Three Reasons Why You Should Accept A Lower-Paying Position
When you're reviewing job options that your staffing agency provides, you might feel as though you should automatically discount those that offer a lower hourly rate. It's important, however, that you don't dismiss such positions and instead see the benefits of taking a lower-paying position. Remember, a lower hourly rate isn't meant to be insulting to you, and accepting this type of job can actually be hugely beneficial for your career. Here are three reasons to embrace, rather than discard, these employment options.
It Builds Your Employment History
If you've signed up with a staffing agency--like Bishop & Company Inc--for help with finding a job, it's likely that you're having trouble job hunting on your own. Going without a job for a long time isn't just a financial challenge: it also leaves you with a gap in your employment history, which can be a negative point on your resume. Taking a lower-paying position might not be your first choice, but it will help you build your employment history. If you're out of work, the position will end the gap on your resume, for example. If you're newly out of school, a lower-paying position will show that you were employed soon after graduation. These are things that future employers will notice on your resume.
You May Be Able To Move Up
Don't think that you'll be stuck in a lower-paying position forever just because you accept one now. If you excel in the role, your employer will likely notice — and it's possible that he or she may offer you a better (and higher-paying) position in time. Lower-paying/entry-level positions are a valuable way to assess employees. If you're working hard for a low pay rate but are showing promise, many employers will be excited to see what you can do for a higher pay rate. Accepting a lower-paying job can be the first step toward getting your dream position.
Your Agency Can Still Look For You
Taking a job doesn't mean that your staffing agency is no longer doing anything for you. You can request that your staffing agency continues to find a position for you so that you have another job lined up as soon as the current contract expires. This could mean that you have to endure a lower-paying position for the length of the current contract — three to six months, for example — but that you'll end up making more with the next contract.